Sommet musique et technologie
The Sommet musique et technologie is a series of conferences designed to help music publishers and other music professionals make the most of technology. The event also aims to keep participants up to date on the main trends and technological developments affecting music. Click here to know more (in French).
Quand la musique rencontre l’image (AV Music Event)
Association des professionnels de l’édition musicale (APEM) and the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television present every year Quand la musique rencontre l’image : de l’intention à la production. This event aims to raise awareness on practices related to the use of music in audiovisual productions and to promote meetings between music industry and audiovisual professionals. Click here to know more (in French).
Rendez-vous Pros des Francos
Each year during the Rendez-vous Pros des Francos, APEM organizes a roundtable discussion. This panel brings together several specialists from different organizations to discuss a current topic in the professional music world. Click here to know more (in French).